In another shocking incident from Rajasthan, a class seven student was thrashed by a government school teacher in Barmer, informed the officials on Wednesday. The Dalit boy was allegedly beaten up by the teacher for not completing the questions in a test on time. The boy was later shifted to a hospital after his health deteriorated. The incident comes just weeks after a nine-year-old Dalit boy was allegedly beaten to death by a teacher in Surana village in Jalore of Rajasthan.
“A student of 7th class brought to the emergency ward in Barmer after being thrashed by teacher for delaying in submitting his test paper, as claimed by his parents. Teacher summoned; action to be taken after complete probe. The child is now stable,” said Station House Officer, Gangaram.
As per the family members, both the brothers were sent to school on Wednesday where the tests were going on. The teacher Ashok Mali beat up the child after the student was unable to answer the questions while his brother ran to call the authorities to inform them about the incident. The family alleged that the teacher pushed the student on the floor after which he was hospitalised with a head injury in an unconscious state.
Earlier in July, a minor boy who was a Dalit was allegedly beaten to death by a teacher in Surana village of Rajasthan. The family members of the nine-year-old boy who died in an Ahmedabad hospital alleged that the child was assaulted by a teacher on 20 July for touching a drinking pot that was meant for upper caste people.
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