Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal said that by rising above caste politics, the present government is working for the welfare of the poor, youth, women and farmers. He said that only with their welfare, India will become a developed nation. Manohar Lal said this while addressing the eminent citizens at Jain Bhawan, Sector 15, Panchkula today. Haryana Vidhan Sabha Speaker, Mr Gian Chand Gupta was also present on this occasion.
Earlier, the Chief Minister paid obeisance at Kalyani Mata Temple in Sector- 15 and gave the message of keeping the religious places clean by cleaning the main gate of the temple.Manohar Lal said that Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is not only the country’s but also the world’s largest democratic party. There are many political parties in the country but if there is any party that runs democratically then it is the Bharatiya Janata Party. He said that we have unwavering faith in democratic values and the state government is working in the interest of every citizen.
Manohar Lal said that the present State Government believes in doing experiments in public interest and thus has made several new experiments for the welfare of the people and to make their lives easier. While initiating changes in any system, few challenges have to be faced, he said while referring to the Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP) program. The Chief Minister said in the beginning, the programme had to face opposition but today it is being praised everywhere. Haryana is probably the first state in the country to start this unique program, he said, adding that impressed by the Parivar Pehchan Patra program, the other states
are also emulating the same. Taking a dig at the opposition for calling the present State Government as a government of Portal, Sh Manohar Lal said that he is confident that the people of the state who are getting the benefit of various welfare schemes and programmes sitting at home through the portal will end the political future of such parties. While maintaining a direct dialogue with the people, Sh Manohar Lal said that though lakhs of people have benefited from various welfare schemes like Ayushman Bharat and Old Age Allowance, it is the poor people who have benefited the most.
Emphasising the need to work collectively for the welfare of poor and people belonging to weaker sections of the society, he said that along with the government, the other institutions would also have to come forward in this direction. Earlier, the Chief Minister also met the beneficiaries of various welfare schemes of the Central and State Government as part of the public connect programme.
There is an atmosphere of enthusiasm in the entire country after the construction of magnificent Ram temple in Ayodhya. The Chief Minister said that there is an atmosphere of enthusiasm in the entire country after the construction of the magnificent Ram temple in Ayodhya. Mahatma Gandhi had envisioned Ramraj in the country and today every child of the country is saying that the foundation of Ramraj has been laid in India.
Earlier, in reply to a question asked by media persons regarding the decision to confer Bharat Ratna award to former Deputy Prime Minister of the country, Lal Krishna Advani, Manohar Lal said that Lal Krishna Advani is a senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader, who had contributed significantly in building the party. It is a matter of happiness that five Bharat Ratna have been awarded in the last two months alone, he said while expressing his gratitude to President Draupadi Murmu and Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. He said that along with Advani ji, the decision to honour Karpoori Thakur ji, Sh Narasimha Rao ji, Chaudhary Charan Singh ji and Dr Swaminathan ji with the highest civilian award keeping in view of their unique contribution is a commendable step.