Leader of Opposition and former Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Sunday said that the massive turnout at the Congress workers meeting in Kurukshetra despite extreme cold weather is an indicator of the changing political mood of the state, which shows that the BJP is going, and Congress is coming. Speaking at Kurukshetra, the land of the epic battle between the justice and injustice, Hooda said Lord Shri Krishna’s teachings in the Bhagwat Geeta, advises people to work tirelessly as ‘Karma’ alone is in a person’s control. “Any person, country or state, that follows these teachings will definitely progress,” he said.
The Leader of Opposition asked people about the progress made in the state in the last 9 years, where Haryana was then and where the state finds itself now. “The state, which was number 1 on every indicator of development, is today counted among the top states in terms of unemployment, inflation, law and order and insult to sports players,” he said. “This government is taking commission from the youth of Haryana who are facing record unemployment by forming an employment corporation. A cruel joke is being made on the youth. By bringing Employment Corporation and Agneepath Yojana, permanent jobs are being converted into temporary employment,” he added.

Hooda appealed to the workers and the people of Haryana to get rid of the BJP-JJP government in the coming elections and form the Congress Party government. He strongly condemned the attack in Lakhimpur on the ongoing ‘Bharat Jodo Nyaya Yatra’ led by Rahul Gandhi in Assam, and said it was not an attack on Rahul Gandhi’s yatra, but on democracy. The workers’ conference was organized by former minister Ashok Arora. On this occasion, a large number of senior Congress leaders and local workers including MPs, MLAs, former MLAs, former ministers were present.

Talking about local issues, the Leader of Opposition said the groundwater level in this area is going down rapidly. “If this continues, not a single grain of grain will be produced in the future. The Dadupur Nalvi Canal built during the Congress government, was cancelled by the present government,” he said.

“Dadupur Nalvi Canal was built for the prosperity of this area, but the present government has destroyed the canal, and put the farmers on the verge of ruin. Due to this, the area recently had to face the horrors of floods. When our government comes, Dadupur Nalvi Canal will be rebuilt so that the farmers are happy,” he said.

The former Chief Minister said the area of Northern Haryana grows crops like paddy, potato, sunflower, sugarcane, but the farmer today does not even get the right price for his crop. “BJP had promised to double the income of the farmers by 2022, but the income did not double, input costs doubled,” he noted. “During our government, the highest price of sugarcane was given but today this government creates drama in the name of increasing the rate of sugarcane. Once the Congress government comes back to power in Haryana, the rate of sugarcane will be at least Rs 450,” Hooda assured.