A fraudulent scheme involving the false promise of securing a government job has surfaced in Jodhpur, where a young woman duped a male aspirant studying in a coaching class, extracting a sum of 54 lakhs. The victim, Kailash Prajapat of Jhalamand, has reported the incident to the Kudi Housing Board police station at the Police Commissionerate, prompting an immediate investigation.
Kailash outlined in his complaint that the deception commenced in 2015 when he was pursuing Sub-Inspector preparation at Arjun Classes, Bhakti Choraha, Ratanada. During his studies, he befriended a girl named Sanju Choudhary. In 2023, Kailash received a call from Sanju, who claimed to facilitate a government job for him, indicating she had a brother named Sukhdev.
Allegedly, Sanju connected Kailash with Sukhdev, who assured him a Sub-Inspector post with an associated cost of 12.50 lakhs. Sukhdev provided ICICI bank account details belonging to Manish and Mohit Kumar Sankhla for Kailash to deposit 10 lakhs through a cheque. Kailash complied, depositing the sum into Sukhdev’s account and additionally handing over 2.50 lakhs in cash at Jhalamand Choraha. Six months later, Sukhdev informed Kailash that the Sub-Inspector job would take more time but proposed a new opportunity—RAS recruitment, requiring 20 lakhs, with an advance payment of 4.50 lakhs. Falling victim to Sukhdev and Sanju’s deceptive tactics, Kailash paid a total of 54 lakhs. Upon realization of the fraud, Kailash filed an FIR, prompting the police to launch an investigation into the matter.
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