Chandigarh: The state is running out of health facilities at a large-scale including MRI, CT scan, cathlab, dialysis along with chemotherapy. Unavailability of abovementioned facilities, the complaints of overcharging by the private hospitals continue to surface across the state. The MRI facility is just available in five of the government health institutions in the state in Ambala Cantt, Faridabad, Gurugram, Panchkula and Bhiwani, while the rest 17 districts along with two other cities – Bahadurgarh and Ambala – lack the facility. The CT scan facility is not available in six districts of the state. The Cath Lab facility is also not available in most of the districts and only the government hospitals in four districts – Ambala Cantt, Faridabad, Gurugram and Panchkula – own the facility. The state continues to witness an acute spike in patients suffering from kidney disease requiring dialysis. But five districts – Ambala, Charkhi Dadri, Karnal, Kurukshetra and Mewat – lack the dialysis facility which force the patients to go to other districts. The number of cancer patients in the state continues to rise and the serious patients require chemotherapy which is available in only five of the districts in Haryana.