BJP leaders, led by opposition leader Rajendra Rathore, submitted a memorandum to Governor Kalraj Mishra on Sunday, demanding strict action against the increasing crimes against women. Taking cognizance of the memorandum, Governor Mishra wrote a letter to Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, directing concrete action.
Before this, BJP leaders from the state BJP office gathered and submitted a memorandum to the Governor. While speaking to the media, opposition leader Rajendra Rathore said, “In the last 48 hours, incidents of violence and crimes against women have occurred in 13 different locations in Rajasthan. Every 48 hours, there is a shocking incident of violence against women in some corner of the state. Two college-going girls in Peepal Khoont were harassed, and they complained to the police twice, but the police took no action, and both girls ended their lives.”
Among the BJP leaders who submitted the memorandum were Rajya Sabha MP Ghanashyam Tiwari, Dr Kirori Lal Meena, MP Diya Kumari, BJP national spokesperson Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, Ramcharan Bohra, Union Minister Dr Alka Singh Gurjar, Election Management Committee Coordinator Narayan Pancharya, MLAs Ashok Lahoti, Narpat Singh Rajvi, Kalicharan Sarraf, Mayor Dr. Soumya Gurjar, District President Rama Chaupada, BJP State Vice President Sardar Ajaypal, State Women’s Wing President Dr. Raksha Bhandari, State Spokesperson Laxmikant Bharadwaj, and others.