In a significant development for Jammu and Kashmir, the passing of the Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Bill, 2024 in the Lok Sabha has been hailed as historic by Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, and former Deputy Chief Minister Muzaffar Hussain Baig.

Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha described the passage of the bill as a “historic day for Jammu and Kashmir,” noting that it fulfills the long-pending demand of communities such as Paharis, Padari Tribes, Koli, and Gadda Brahmin. He emphasized that under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the government ensured the inclusion of these communities in the Scheduled Tribes list without impacting the existing reservation rights of Gujjars, Bakarwals, and other tribes.

Expressing his gratitude to the government, Sinha assured that necessary notifications would be issued to maintain the current level of reservations for existing Scheduled Tribe communities after the bill clears in the Rajya Sabha. He urged community elders to counter any misinformation and emphasized the government’s commitment to inclusive development in Jammu and Kashmir.

Former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah welcomed the grant of Scheduled Tribe status to Paharis but stressed the importance of safeguarding the reservation rights of Gujjars and Bakarwals. He called for clarity on the implementation of the bill and highlighted the need to address this issue.

Former Deputy Chief Minister Muzaffar Hussain Baig also expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, and Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha for granting reservation to the Pahari community. Baig commended the efforts of parties and individuals who advocated for the rights of the community, emphasizing the role of the present leadership in realizing this demand.

The government’s decision to grant Scheduled Tribe status to Paharis in Jammu and Kashmir has received widespread praise, underscoring its significance for the region’s social and political landscape.