Following a similar advisory for Samsung, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has issued a high-risk warning for Apple products. The advisory, released on Friday, highlights multiple vulnerabilities that could pose significant threats to user data and device security. These vulnerabilities, if exploited, could enable attackers to access sensitive information, execute arbitrary code, bypass security restrictions, cause denial of service (DoS) conditions, bypass authentication, gain elevated privileges, and perform spoofing attacks on the targeted systems. The affected Apple products include iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, and the Safari browser.

Earlier this week, the government issued a comparable warning against Samsung Galaxy phones. The advisory for Samsung products noted vulnerabilities that could allow attackers to bypass implemented security restrictions, access sensitive information, and execute arbitrary code on the targeted system. The risks were identified in Samsung Mobile Android versions 11, 12, 13, and 14.

Both advisories emphasize the importance of users taking precautionary measures, including updating their devices with the latest security patches and adopting best security practices to mitigate potential risks associated with the identified vulnerabilities. Users are urged to stay informed about security alerts and follow recommended actions to ensure the safety and integrity of their devices and data.