On Thursday, Himachal Pradesh reported 300 new Covid-19 cases and six deaths, taking its coronavirus tally to 2,10,719 and toll to 3,541. The dead have been identified as a 37-year-old female from Bilaspur district, a 50-year-old male from district Kangra, a 45-year-old male and 45-year-old female from district Shimla, a 60-year-old male from Mandi, and a 58-year-old female from Chamba.
On Tuesday, 288 people tested positive for the virus. The sudden spurt in the cases has put the state in an alert mode.
The state government has alerted the public after witnessing the increase in the number of deaths of people below 60 years of age.
Meanwhile, the number of active Covid-19 cases in the state has reached 2705.
There are 233 active cases in Bilaspur district, 604 in Chamba, 250 in Hamirpur 250, 498 in Kangra, 28 in Kinnaur, 137 in Kullu, 59 in Lahaul-Spiti, 511 in Mandi,296 in Shimla,22 in Sirmaur, 30 in Solan, and 27 in Una.
In the state, youth below the age of 18 years is coming under the grip of the virus and it is alarming. At present, 433 Covid-19 patients are below the age of 18 years.
Meanwhile, the data revealed by National Health Mission (NHM) is showing a sharp rise in the Covid-19 positive cases from the past couple of months in the state.
However, the Health Department has issued advisories urging to pace up the sampling in rural as well as urban areas.
At present, in the Chamba district, 147 patients are below 18 years of age, 12 in Kangra, 9 in Kinnaur, 33 in Kullu, 9 in Lahaul Spiti, 67 in Mandi, 52 in Shimla, 3 in Sirmaur, 5 in Solan and 6 in Una.
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