Google, in collaboration with the Tamil Nadu government, is in discussions to establish drone manufacturing facilities in the state, targeting export markets like the US and Australia. Alphabet, Google’s parent company, plans to manufacture drones and Pixel smartphones in Tamil Nadu, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Wing, Alphabet’s drone delivery arm, currently operates drone delivery services in the US, Europe, and Australia. It intends to set up drone assembly lines in Tamil Nadu. The company has already completed over 350,000 deliveries globally and recently unveiled a new, larger drone with double the payload capacity, aimed at simplifying the delivery process for larger orders.

A delegation from the Tamil Nadu government, led by Industries Minister TRB Rajaa, recently met with senior Google executives in the US to promote the state as an ideal location for manufacturing facilities. Sources indicate that Wing’s decision to manufacture drones in Tamil Nadu aligns with the Indian government’s efforts to boost domestic drone production, a sector poised for significant growth.

The Indian drone market is expected to reach $1.21 billion by 2024, reflecting the sector’s promising prospects. In parallel, Google is advancing plans to manufacture Pixel smartphones locally in India. The tech giant is in advanced talks with Foxconn and Dixon, Taiwanese and Indian contract manufacturers, respectively, to assemble Pixel phones in Tamil Nadu.

Google initially announced its intentions to manufacture Pixel smartphones locally in India in October 2023, starting with the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro models. The company’s move underscores its commitment to local production and aligns with broader efforts to bolster India’s manufacturing capabilities. The first locally manufactured Pixel devices are anticipated to be launched in 2024, marking a significant milestone in Google’s manufacturing initiatives in India.