Bollywood celebrities on Monday urged people to respond positively to the government appeal to promote local businesses during the festival of Diwali. Filmmaker Karan Johar tweeted: “We came together to honour our weavers on National Handloom Day and with your support it has ensured successful sales for many in need. On the 9th of November, we are making a kind appeal for you to support our weavers, artisans, textile companies and establishments. Together, they bring the joy of a simple earthen diya, rangoli and other embellishments to your local market.”

Sonali Bendre tweeted from her verified account: “This Diwali, let’s celebrate and support local products and brands!” She used the hashtag #Local4Diwali and tagged Union Cabinet Minister for Textiles Smriti Z Irani in her tweet.

Actress Mouni Roy wrote on Instagram: “I feel most like myself in indian outfits! I love em! On National Handloom Day, I am exhilarated to have bought some beautiful diyas from a local shop and shopped for a lovely ethnic wear designed by an extremely talented local designer and now it’s your turn to go #Local4Diwali.” Mouni also shared a photograph of her wearing a red lehenga.

Singer and BJP politician Babul Supriyo tweeted from his verified account to say: “PM Shri @narendramodi has given a clarion call to promote local products and be vocal for them. This Diwali, let’s support our craftsmen, artisans and local businesses and be the reason for their celebration. Buy local handmade products. #Local4Diwali.”

Actor Riteish Deshmukh pushed for cracker-free Diwali. He tweeted from his verified account: “Let’s celebrate a Cracker Free Diwali—Diwali is Deepotsav.”