In a heartbreaking case of vengeance gone awry, a young woman from Edo State, Nigeria, has been arrested after allegedly attempting to poison her ex-boyfriend’s soup, which inadvertently resulted in the death of five people. The local community is in shock as the chilling details of the incident unfold.
According to reports, the woman, harboring resentment toward her former partner, decided to seek revenge by lacing a bowl of traditional pepper soup with poison, targeting her ex-boyfriend. Tragically, her plot went terribly wrong when her ex unknowingly shared the poisoned soup with friends, resulting in a mass tragedy.
Concerned family members became alarmed when they couldn’t reach their loved ones and decided to check on them. Upon entering the residence, they were met with the grim discovery of five lifeless bodies, all believed to have consumed the lethal soup.
The police in Edo State have since arrested the woman involved, and she is currently under investigation. Moses Yamu, spokesperson for the Edo State Police Command, stated that while food poisoning is believed to be the cause, authorities are also exploring the possibility of toxic fumes from a generator as a contributing factor.
This tragic case has left the local community shaken and serves as a sobering reminder of the irreversible consequences that can arise from revenge-fueled actions. The investigation remains ongoing as authorities seek to bring justice to the victims’ families.
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