Many gifts and mementos received by Prime Minister Narendra Modi are currently being auctioned online. The items available for bidding include a statue of Ram Darbar, a model of the Golden Temple in Amritsar, Kamdhenu, and a souvenir from Jerusalem, all of which have reportedly attracted numerous bidders. These items will be open for bidding on the PM Mementos website until October 31. Union Minister Meenakshi Lekhi stated that the auction programme began on October 2 and will run until October 31. With limited time remaining, they hope to attract serious buyers and generate a substantial collection. Lekhi encouraged all citizens of the country to participate in the bidding and potentially become the rightful owners of these items in the remaining days. This initiative was initially launched by PM Modi during his tenure as the Chief Minister of Gujarat and has evolved in its current form since his change of role. Lekhi mentioned that the proceeds from the e-auction are directed towards the Namami Gange project. The auction also features other items, such as the Aranmula Kannadi, an exquisite mirror.
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