On Tuesday, the first music from R Balki’s upcoming film Ghoomer was revealed, and it lives up to its name. The title single was performed by Dipakshi Kalita and Altamash Faridi, and the music was composed by Amit Trivedi. Kausar Munir wrote the lyrics. Abhishek Bachchan shared the first song from his film on Instagram. He titled the post “Ghoom Ghoom Ghoom. Ghoomer Ghoomein, #GhoomerTitleSong OUT NOW! #GhoomerInCinemas on 18th August.”
Abhishek Bachchan can be seen dancing joyfully in the center of the stadium in the footage. The following portion of the video shows Saiyami Kher actively practicing.
Amitabh Bachchan’s reaction was noticed as he shared the trailer and wrote “YEEEAAAAHHH YEEEAAAAH YEEEEAAAH WHOOOAAAHHH !!!!!
The teaser also had a brief appearance by star Amitabh Bachchan.
The film is directed by R Balki and stars Abhishek Bachchan, Saiyami Kher, Shabana Azmi, and Angad Bedi
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