Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has unveiled an upgraded version of its Geoportal-Bhuvan, offering users tenfold the information available on Google. According to ISRO Chairman S Somanath, Bhuvan provides comprehensive insights crucial for sectors like agriculture, urban planning, and disaster management, addressing specific ground-level challenges with localized data.
The Geoportal-Bhuvan now includes two new tools: Bhuvan-Panchayat and NDEM. Bhuvan-Panchayat aims to empower local governance by providing enriched datasets and analytical tools, aiding village councils (Panchayats) in informed decision-making. Meanwhile, the National Database for Emergency Management (NDEM) integrates critical datasets to enhance ISRO’s disaster response capabilities, facilitating effective risk assessment and mitigation during emergencies.
This initiative underscores ISRO’s commitment to harnessing space technology for societal advancement, reinforcing its role in providing valuable geospatial data for decision-makers across India.
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