Shah Rukh Khan recently launched his darling wife Gauri Khan’s coffee table book, My Life in Design. The star wife took to her official Instagram handle to thank SRK for being a part of her journey. Gauri also shared beautiful pictures with SRK. In the caption of her post, Gauri wrote, “#MyLifeInDesign available now. [Penguin India]. Thank you for being part of my journey, [Shah Rukh Khan].”
Take a look at Gauri Khan’s Instagram post
As soon as Gauri shared this post on Instagram, fans praised the gorgeous couple. One of the fans wrote, “I was waiting for this post finally got this.” Another wrote, “Some couples just have it, and these souls do, God bless you always.” In her book, the star wife shared her journey as a designer, accompanied by exclusive pictures featuring her family and her Mumbai residence Mannat. It highlights other significant projects undertaken by the star wife.
During the launch event, the gorgeous couple engaged with the media and shared the inspiring narrative behind Gauri Khan’s foray into the world of design which started with a special project- their own residence.
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