Under the Gaon Chalo campaign, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal’s media secretary and BJP spokesperson Praveen Atreya participated in the program organised in Raipur Rani. During this event, Atreya addressed migrant booth workers and booth coordinators, emphasising the importance of their role. He stated that every migrant booth worker should establish contact with the people in their assigned booth, gather information about public welfare schemes from both the Central and State Governments, and understand the views of scheme beneficiaries.
Praveen Atreya highlighted the need for migrant booth workers to be present at their booths 24/7. They are tasked with connecting with enlightened voters, saints, patients, and their attendants visiting healthcare facilities in the area. Their role also includes disseminating information about government schemes and communicating with beneficiaries to reach every voter in every village. Atreya urged workers to convey the party’s policies and plans during these interactions.
During the training camp, Praveen Atreya emphasised that workers involved in the campaign should make contacts in Dalit settlements under their assigned booths and share a daily meal with a family from a deprived community. He also stressed the importance of engaging in cleanliness campaigns at religious places within the booth and communicating with devotees visiting those locations. The primary objective of this campaign is to secure a 10% increase in votes for the Bharatiya Janata Party in upcoming elections.
Praveen Atreya encouraged workers not only to engage with key voters but also to communicate with representatives from opposing ideologies and share information about government schemes.
He highlighted the party’s wall writing campaign, urging the writing of programs on at least five walls at every booth. Additionally, he informed workers about the Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Yojana and stressed the responsibility of registering at least five eligible beneficiaries at their booths.
In discussions with workers, Praveen Atreya emphasized the importance of discussing major public welfare decisions by the Modi and Manohar Lal governments, such as the removal of Article 370, the construction of the grand temple of Lord Ram, and the abolition of triple talaq. He also praised Chief Minister Manohar Lal for providing jobs to youth without any hindrance. Atreya concluded by stating that, under the Gaon Chalo campaign, it is crucial to discuss these achievements with voters, attract new voters, and engage those with differing ideologies.
The campaign was presided over by Board President Madan Dhiman Haryoli, with the presence of BJP workers, including District President Deepak Sharma, District General Secretary Paramjit Kaur, Virendra Rana, and Dharampal Rana