In its latest move gearing up for the upcoming elections, the Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) unveiled its contenders for three more Lok Sabha seats in Punjab. The party, known for its distinctive political stance, announced the nominations on Monday, with a notable inclusion being the father of the late gangster Jaipal Bhullar, who will be contesting from Ferozepur.
Under the leadership of Simranjit Singh Mann, the party has strategically positioned its candidates, with Mann’s own son, Emaan Singh Mann, being nominated for the Amritsar seat, and Bhupinder Singh Bhullar being chosen for Ferozepur. Additionally, Harpal Singh Baler has been put forward as the candidate for Khadoor Sahib.
Bhupinder Singh Bhullar, a retired inspector from the Punjab Police, enters the political arena amid significant attention due to his familial connection with the notorious Jaipal Bhullar, who met his demise in a police encounter in Kolkata back in 2021. Jaipal’s criminal record, which included over 40 cases spanning across Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan, adds a unique dimension to Bhullar’s candidacy.
Simranjit Singh Mann, the incumbent MP from Sangrur, continues to steer the party through these electoral waters, with the recent announcement following the unveiling of five candidates for Punjab and two for Haryana in the preceding month.
As the electoral landscape gains momentum, Punjab is set to witness polling for 13 Lok Sabha seats on June 1, while Haryana gears up for voting across 10 Lok Sabha seats on May 25.
The strategic positioning of candidates by the Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) signals its intent to make a significant impact in the upcoming elections.
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