Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, while speaking at the India News Manch on Thursday, hit out at the Opposition parties on terrorism and said that all the gangs in the Punjab have been nurtured by Congress and Akali Dal. He further said that the people who themselves are responsible for the incidents of killings and sacrilege during their regime are demanding peace and harmony.
When asked about the killing of Sidhu Moosewala and gangster Goldy Brar, the Chief Minister said that incident was very unfortunate and shook the entire nation. Hinting that we can expect a big news related to Brar soon, he said that he is the mastermind who is working from abroad and the entire matter is a top secret. While being questioned about attacks on police stations and drones being seized, he said, “Punjab, being a border state, is always under the radar of the neighbouring country and the government works in coordination with the federal government, BSF and NIA.
Earlier the problem was restricted to only drugs but now the menace is expanded to drones. Our Punjab Police and BSF are well competent to combat these issues.”
Talking about recently held MCD polls and assembly elections in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh, Mann said that they not only won MCD elections but also acquired 13 % vote share in Gujarat Polls and became a national party in only 10 years.
“The biggest achievement is that people have accepted our agenda. This very agenda became the stepping stone for Aam Aadmi Party to transform into a national party,” he expressed. Mann further added that AAP started working soon after it came into the power .
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