Security was increased at Union minister Nitin Gadkari’s home and office in Nagpur on Tuesday after a man made three calls threatening to harm the senior BJP leader if Rs 10 crore was not paid to him, a police official said. The caller identified himself as Jayesh Pujari, also known as Jayesh Kantha. He claimed that this was the same individual whose name had been used to make similar calls to the minister’s office in January.
Three calls, two in the morning and one around midday, were made to Gadkari’s public relations office in Nagpur, which is located next to Orange City Hospital, according to Rahul Madane, deputy commissioner of police.
He claimed that the individual demanded Rs 10 crore and threatened to harm the minister, who oversees highways and road transportation, if the money was not given.
After being alerted by Gadkari’s staff, the city police have started an investigation, he said. Security has been beefed up at the minister’s home and office, said the DCP.
On January 14, a man identifying himself as Pujari had made threat calls to Gadkari’s public relations office, demanding Rs 100 crore. The caller claimed that he was a member of the Dawood Ibrahim gang.
Pujari, who is lodged in Hindalga jail in Karnataka’s Belagavi after being sentenced to death in a murder case, had denied his involvement in the calls.
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