Bollywood star Sunny Deol said every man wants to watch a superhero on screen and his character Tara Singh from the upcoming film “Gadar 2” is no less than Hulk or Superman. Filmmaker Anil Sharma, who also helmed the original, has directed the follow-up which will hit the screens on August 11.

“Tara Singh is our Hulk, Superman. Every man wants to watch Hulk and Superman. He believes that (the hero) on screen will set things right. Like there are Marvel Comics, here is Tara Singh,” Deol said during a session on the last day of the 2023 Jagran Film Festival here.

“Then, you move ahead. That is the superpower of honesty, earnestness, and simplicity. That’s what superheroes are all about,” he added. Deol, who completed 40 years in cinema, said he doesn’t believe in preparing for a role as acting is an art. “It is in your genes or you have it. You can enhance it through technique but you can’t become an actor by doing body building or dancing. Every person has all kinds of emotions,” said the 66-year-old, who made his debut with 1983’s “Betaab”.

Also starring Ameesha Patel and Utkarsh Sharma, the sequel is set in 1971 about 17 years after the events of “Gadar”.

“You have to tackle stories according to the times we are living in, but ‘Gadar 2’ is set in 1971. The first film ended in 1954. The world hadn’t changed a lot between 1954 and 1971. So, the characterisation remained more or less the same.

“We have maintained the piousness of ‘Gadar’ in ‘Gadar 2’. We have shot 90 per cent of the action in real. It gave us rawness. We shot around 500 bomb blast sequences. We have used minimal visual effects in the film,” the director added.