New Delhi: Wednesday launched ‘X-S10’ mirrorless digital camera at a starting price of Rs 99,999 in India. According to the company, the X-S10 is a game-changer for beginners, vloggers and photographers who are constantly looking out for something small, dependable and capable at a relatively affordable price. The camera features a 26.1MP X-Trans CMOS 4 sensor and in-body image stabilisation (IBIS). The X-S10 offers maximum functionality in a compact body. The camera offers AUTO/SP (Scene Position) Mode automatically adjusts camera settings to produce stunning images without the need to make fine adjustments to image settings. It can either produce sharp 4K/30P 4:2:2 10-bit video or high-speed full-HD video at 240 frames per second. The vari-angle LCD screen can also be flipped forward 180 degrees, giving everyone from photographers and filmmakers to Vloggers and hobbyists something to love about this camera, the company said.
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