The past year, has truly been the biggest year for Deepika Padukone in her already illustrious career. With two big ticket releases, Pathaan in the beginning of the year and Jawan toward the end, that garnered about 2200 crores at the global box office, Deepika Padukone transcended to a different place altogether with the successes.
And now with the release of “Fighter” slated for 25th January 2024, the anticipation is at an all-time high. She truly is a massive heroine doing massive films.

Cut to 25th January 2023, when Deepika Padukone alongside Shah Rukh Khan captivated audiences in “Pathaan.” The espionage thriller not only captured the audience’s imagination but also solidified Deepika’s position as India’s Numero Uno. With Jawan in the same year, she was the only actress to cross 2200 crore at the global box office in a single year. The film’s success underscored her ability to choose diverse roles and contribute to the success of projects across genres.

As the release date of “Fighter” approaches, the excitement among fans and industry insiders is palpable. The film, directed by Siddharth Anand, is not just India’s first aerial action entertainer but also marks Deepika Padukone’s first onscreen collaboration with Hrithik Roshan, which was a casting coup in itself. The duo’s sizzling chemistry and the promise of adrenaline-pumping action have piqued the interest of cinephiles across the country and globe.

The actress’s ability to connect with audiences and deliver memorable performances has been a consistent feature of her career.
Deepika’s past successes on this patriotic occasion have set the bar high, and fans are eagerly waiting to see how “Fighter” will emerge as another gem in her illustrious filmography.

These films are a proof to the statement of how Deepika Padukone is the ultimate ‘ Bade Filmon Ki Badi Heroine.’