CHANDIGARH: Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Thursday said that the state government will provide free of cost plasma to all those in need. Captain Amarinder Singh directed the Health Department to strictly ensure that Covid-19 patients are not charged for plasma therapy and that nobody is allowed to buy or sell plasma, which has proven a lifesaver in many cases in the absence of any cure for the deadly virus.
The CM also appealed to the recovered Covid-19 patients to come forward and donate plasma. He urged DCs and health department officials to motivate patients to donate plasma. Currently, there are around 10000 recovered Covid-19 patients in the state.he also asked the Health Department to expedite setting up of two new plasma banks at Amritsar and Faridkot, to supplement the one already operational in Patiala.
Chief Secretary Vini Mahajan suggested that all the field officers, including DCs and SSPs, should remain at their headquarter towns even at night for the next two months, as this was a critical period for Punjab, with a projected spike during this time. These officers are expected to be in command of the situation at all times, she added.
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