The government announced on Wednesday that citizens above 18 years of age will be given booster doses free of cost from July 15 for the next 75 days as part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations. The facility will be available at all government centres.“India is celebrating 75 years of independence. On the occasion of Azadi ka Amrit Kaal, it has been decided that from 15 July 2022 till the next 75 days, citizens above 18 years of age will be given booster doses free of cost,” Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur told the media here.
India’s Covid-19 vaccination coverage has exceeded 199.12 crore as per provisional reports till 7 am on Wednesday. This has been achieved through 2,61,58,303 sessions.Covid-19 vaccination for the age group 12-14 years was started on March 16, 2022. So far, more than 3.76 crore adolescents have been administered the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine. The Covid-19 precaution dose administration for the age group 18-59 years started on April 10.As part of the nationwide vaccination drive, the Government of India has been supporting the states and UTs by providing them Covid vaccines free of cost. In the new phase of the universalization of the Covid-19 vaccination drive, the Centre will procure and supply (free of cost) 75 per cent of the vaccines being produced by the vaccine manufacturers in the country to states and UTs.