Police have registered a case in the matter of filing fake documents in the Railway Department and taking back the case. The case was registered at Police Station-03, Chandigarh, on the complaint of Nitin Kumar, resident of Railway Panel (ADV) Mandal Security ADP Delhi Divison. The complaint stated that Nihal Singh (Chief Legal Advisor) Construction North Kashmiri Gate committed fraud in relation to presenting fake documents to LD. In which the railway lawyer demanded the withdrawal of the case. The investigation of the case is underway.
Cheating of 4,95,000 in online transactions through credit card
Chandigarh. The police have registered a case of cheating a woman through online transactions using a credit card. On the complaint of a woman resident of Sector-36, Chandigarh, a case has been registered at Cyber Police Station, Chandigarh. The woman complained that an unknown person cheated her of Rs 4,95,000 through several online transactions with her HDFC credit card.
Bank officer cheated with bank
Chandigarh. An officer of Ujjivan Small Finance Bank did not deposit the instalments of the loan with the bank after taking the instalment of the loan from the customers of the bank. The above officer kept recovering the instalment of the loan from the customers on behalf of the bank. He kept depositing 85 EMIs on their loan cards by getting the signatures of Rs 5,02,047 in his pocket. Regarding which a case has been registered at Police Station-34, Chandigarh on the complaint of Parminder Singh (Vigilance Officer) of Ujjivan Small Finance Bank, Sandhu Tower, Ferozepur Road, Sadar Ludhiana. The complaint alleged that Manpreet Singh, Customer Relationship Officer, Ujjivan Small Finance Bank, ACIO No. 130-131, Sector-34, Chandigarh, got signatures of Rs 5,02,047 by getting EMI amount from 85 customers on their loan card, but did not deposit that amount in the bank.