In the Ujjain district of Madhya Pradesh, four family members, including two children, were discovered dead inside their home under mysterious circumstances on Thursday, according to police. The incident, according to Ujjain police officials, happened in the district’s Mahavir colony, which is within the jurisdiction of Jivaji police station. Manoj Rathore (40), his wife Mamta Rathore (12), their son, 12, and daughter, 6, were all identified as the family’s deceased members.

The deceased Manoj was found in a hanging state while his wife and his two children were lying on the ground. Foams were also spotted from the nose of some bodies, however, the reason for the death would be known after the post-mortem report, he added.
According to the information, Manoj was living here in a rented house and was involved in the business of selling toys.