The Chhattisgarh Police on Saturday arrested four members of a family accused of cow slaughter in the Manendragarh-Chirmiri-Bharatpur district. Police personnel also found the carcass of the cow on the spot.
The arrested accused have been identified as Khurshid Anwar, his daughter Shahana, daughter-in-law Rizwana and son Ashraf.
Manendragarh police station in-charge Sachin Singh said that the weapon used for cow slaughter has been confiscated by the police and police is taking action against the accused under the Cruelty to Animals Act.
“We received information regarding cow slaughter in Manendragarh. The accused are residents of ward number 4 of the Jan Muslim graveyard locality. A man named Khurshid Alam and his three family members were arrested in the matter, and the case was registered. Police personnel found the carcass of the cow on the spot,” said Singh.
The police further said that the accused family is originally from the Allahabad district of Uttar Pradesh but they have been living here for the last two-three years.
As per the law, cow slaughter is completely banned in some parts of India like Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and others.
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