Following the recent incident involving the Jodhpur-Palanpur Passenger Train, another train derailment occurred in Rajasthan. This time, four coaches of the Ajmer-Sialdah Express derailed from the tracks, causing concern among railway officials. Fortunately, no casualties were reported as the train was empty, standing in the yard at the time of the incident.
The incident took place at the Madar Railway Yard in Ajmer during a morning inspection of cleanliness and security arrangements in the Ajmer-Sialdah Express train. At around 8 am, during the brake release for safety, the train derailed during track rolling, leading to four empty coaches going off the tracks. Railway officials quickly responded to the incident, conducting an inspection, and railway employees are currently working to reposition the coaches on the tracks.
Captain Shashi Kiran reported that railway officials reached the site as soon as information about the incident was received. Since the rack was empty, there was no damage to any cargo. The investigation into the causes of the incident is underway. Currently, the operation of other trains remains unaffected.
On the preceding day, near the Samdari Railway Station in Balotra, the Jodhpur-Palanpur Passenger Train was involved in an accident. The train derailed when a cow entered the tracks, resulting in the partial cancellation of Train No. 14893 Samdari-Palanpur and the full cancellation of Train No. 14894 Palanpur-Jodhpur. The incident occurred around 9:15 pm, about half a kilometre before reaching the Samdari Railway Station, when the locomotive pilot applied the emergency brake. Two wheels of the train derailed due to the sudden stop. District Magistrate Pankaj Singh reached the scene promptly, overseeing arrangements to transport passengers to their destinations by bus. Singh remained present at the site for about four hours.