Former Union Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal recently visited the historic city of Manimajra to witness the deplorable state of its streets and roads. During his visit, he engaged with local residents and former Mayor Surendra Singh, who highlighted the prevalent issues affecting the city.
Bansal expressed concern over the broken streets, poorly maintained roads, and filthy drains in the area. He acknowledged the grievances of the residents, especially in relation to the inadequate water supply. Despite promises of 24-hour water availability in Chandigarh, the reality in Manimajra is starkly different, with water flowing for only two hours a day.
The former Union Minister criticized the political leaders who made promises during elections but failed to address the basic needs of the residents. He specifically pointed out the lack of development initiatives since the BJP came to power in Chandigarh. According to Bansal, not a single street or road has been constructed, and essential facilities are being neglected by the area councilor.
Local residents voiced their concerns about sewerage water flowing through the streets, leading to unsanitary conditions. The accumulation of garbage, scrap, and soil on the roads has become a persistent issue, causing inconvenience to the residents.
During his visit, Bansal also took note of the deteriorating condition of Shivalik Garden, once a pride of the city. He discovered a lack of drinking water and toilet facilities, reflecting the overall neglect of public spaces. Surendra Singh, the former Mayor, informed Bansal about the poor condition of the culvert on the drain towards Shitala temple, where sewer water has been flowing without attention from the administration for many years.
In his statement, Pawan Bansal accused the BJP of engaging in mere vote-bank politics without taking substantive steps for the city’s development. He emphasized that the infrastructure built during the Congress period is now in disrepair due to a lack of supervision.
Bansal appealed to the administrators to address the developmental needs of Manimajra promptly. He stressed the importance of taking concrete steps to ensure a better quality of life for the city’s residents.