EX-Tripura Chief Minister, Biplab Kumar Deb, is making headlines after the Rajya Sabha MP had a narrow escape after his car met with an accident on GT Road in Panipat, Haryana on Monday, reported by ANI. The politician who is also the BJP State-in-charge for Haryana, was going to Chandigarh from Delhi when his car rammed into a stationary vehicle on the GT Road between Samlakha and Panipat, the police said.
In a statement, the Deputy Superintendent of Police from Samalkha, Om Prakash, while having a conversation with PTI reveals that nobody was injured in the accident. “A car had stopped on the GT road after its tyre got punctured. Deb’s vehicle which was coming from behind rammed into the stationary car”, Prakash added. Biplab was elected to the Rajya Sabha last year after Manik Saha resigned to replace him as the CM of the State of Tripua.
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