On Sunday, Former Karnataka CM Jagadish Shettar resigned from BJP, after the denial of ticket in upcoming karnataka assembly elections, he said ‘ I wanted only MLA seat for Hubali-Dharwad Central constituency…I have contributed to growth of party in state’.”My popularity is good even in the survey. I’ve not lost a single election. There is no reason to deny my ticket, so I have requested the party high command to give me an opportunity to contest.”
Before resigning, Shettar added that the ill-treatment and humiliation by the senior leaders of the party had hurt him a lot. “My decision (to resign from BJP) is final. Some state leaders are mishandling the BJP system in Karnataka,” he said while speaking to reporters. “I am going to tender my resignation as an MLA and I will also resign from the primary membership of the party. Later I will decide the next course of action, whether I have to fight independently or with a party.”
Two days before, A former Karnataka deputy chief minister, Laxman Savadi quit the BJP and was fielded from the Athani Assembly constituency by the Congress.
Reacting on his resignation,former Karnataka CM BS Yediyurappa said “We made him (Jagadish Shettar) the CM of Karnataka, and we made him the state BJP president. The statements given by him have made us unhappy’.
The 224-seat Karnataka Assembly will go to polls on May 10, and the votes will be counted on May 13.
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