Actress Kangana Ranaut has hit back with yet another startling revelation. On Thursday, the Twitter account of Kangana Ranaut, which goes by the name Team Kangana Ranaut, shared that the actress was forced to do Hrithik Roshan-starrer Krrish.

In a series of tweets, Kangana clarified that she never dated Aditya Pancholi. Initially, he promised to mentor her but soon turned into a tormentor. He would beat her every time she went for auditions or film shoots. It was not him who introduced her to Anurag Basu, since the latter did not even know him.

Emphasising that she gave the audition for Gangster, her team added that the actress’s career was ruined after she was reduced to a background actor in Kites. This is also the reason she did not want to do Krrish but was forced into it. Moreover, it claimed that Kangana was shunned by every agency because she would not dance in weddings where people throw money at you or endorse fairness creams. This is when her sister Rangoli started managing her film dates. The claims made by Kangana and her team were in response to a post that termed her a hypocrite.

The post stated that Kangana’s entire career is standing on a pillar of nepotism. It pointed out that Aditya Pancholi, who was her the-then boyfriend, introduced Kangana in Bollywood. Mahesh Bhatt produced her first film Gangster. Her first film in a lead role was opposite Emraan Hashmi. Her career flipped and then re-launched by Hrithik Roshan in Kites followed by Krrish. She has hired her sister as a manager. It also said that she never talked or helped Sushant before his demise. But suddenly she is fighting for him.