The first major test of Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma’s government is scheduled for Thursday. Because, with a debt of over 5 lakh crores, the government now has to change its policy of income and expenditure savings.

However, this time, CM Bhajan Lal will not present the budget but the government’s finance minister, Diya Kumari, will present the budget. It will be two decades later that a full-time woman finance minister will present the budget, as before this, the chief ministers used to present the budget.

This budget, which will come in the form of an audit, will show how the Bhajan Lal government is announcing measures to pull Rajasthan, struggling with financial losses, out.

As the previous government brought so many schemes for the common people, now it will be a big challenge to raise the budget. Therefore, the government is not in a position to bring anything new for the public in its first budget. There will also be no announcement regarding jobs. Some decisions of the previous government may be overturned.

The situation on schemes like the Old Pension Scheme and the Chiranjivi Health Scheme can also be clarified. The government’s focus will be on the newly created districts.
Bhajan Lal Sharma’s first test is also in this regard that he became an MLA for the first time and became Chief Minister directly, meaning he has no experience to show any magic. Dependence is entirely on officials. Officials are still the old ones.

Akhil Arora, who is currently looking at finance, has a lot of experience. It is said that he is an officer who knows the way out of any kind of financial crisis. Therefore, former Chief Ministers Ashok Gehlot and Vasundhara Raje also always remained dependent on them.

Bhajan Lal’s government has a debt of over 5 lakh crores today. The central government is unlikely to help much in this. Because the double-engine government is running in many states, and this is the situation everywhere. Therefore, the government will have to find its own way to get Rajasthan out of this earnings. There are many means of earning.

Finance Minister Diya Kumari also has a big opportunity. However, in the new BJP, Diya has also got a chance for the first time to gather applause both inside and outside the House.

Nirmala Sitharaman has established herself as a successful finance minister in the centre after getting the opportunity. Diya has also been given a big responsibility for the first time.

If she is successful in showing the way to improve the financial situation in the budget, she will be established as a big leader. She is also responsible for tourism. If work is done properly on tourism, the state’s economy can improve.

Now, on Thursday, it will be revealed what announcements are made by Diya to get the debt-ridden people of Rajasthan out. The direct impact of the announcements will be seen in the Lok Sabha elections.