Five people were killed in a devastating fire incident in Avtar Nagar, Gali No. 12, Jalandhar, all of whom were family members of the Ghai family. It is thought that the Sunday night incident was brought on by a gas cylinder leak inside the home. After eating dinner on the terrace around 9:30 p.m., the residents of the house noticed smoke coming from their home. Additional details about the tragedy were revealed by the investigating officer, Hardev Singh, who said that a refrigerator explosion was to blame for the fire’s start.

Singh said, “The blast has happened in the fridge. As a result, gases were produced and caught fire. The gases were inhaled by the people. Five people have died.”
The blast resulted in the release of gases, which subsequently ignited, causing the fire. Tragically, the inhaling of these gases proved fatal for the five family members.