Prabhas is all set to ring in his birthday today and to bring in more cheers to his fans with an advanced birthday wish, makers of ‘Radhe Shyam’ released the character poster of Prabhas recently. The star will be portraying the character of Vikramaditya and from the looks of it, the anticipation around his look seems right. Taking to their social media, the makers shared Prabhas’ look and poster, “The Big moment has arrived! Here’s introducing #Prabhas as #Vikramaditya from #RadheShyam! #RadheShyamSurprise #HappyBirthdayPrabhas Starring #Prabhas & @hegdepooja.”
Earlier also, to mark Pooja Hegde’s birthday, the makers had revealed her first look from the movie on her birthday. The team is currently shooting in Torino, Italy. Touted to be a magnum opus, ‘Radhe Shyam’ is suggested to be an epic love story set in Europe. The film also features Sachin Khedekar, Bhagyashree, Priyadarshi, Murali Sharma, Sasha Chettri, and Kunaal Roy Kapur among others. Directed by Radha Krishna Kumar, the multilingual period drama is expected to release in 2021
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