Actors Omkar Das Manikpuri and Pankaj Jha are getting ready to release their drama film, “Gauraiya Live.” Actor Omkar Das Manikpuri, known for “Jawan,” posted on Instagram on Wednesday, stating, “First Look my upcoming film ‘Gauraiya Live’ directed by Gabriel Vats.” Starring Pankaj Jha, Seema Saini, Naren Khatri, Ada Singh, and Vinay Jha, this movie holds great significance for me. Gauraiya Live, a film based on a true story, will open in theaters on March 8, 2024. produced by Rajeev Jain, Nishant Jain, Rahul Rangare, and Rohit Raj Singh Chouhan. written by Gabriel Vats and Seema Saini. Composed by Sunjoy Bose. Seema Saini.
Along with the post, the ‘Peepli Live’ actor shared a first-look poster.
The poster, featuring a sparrow, embodies the heart of the film’s plot, in which family members protect Gauraiya in disguise.
Pankaj Jha also took to Instagram to announce the release date of the movie. He wrote, “Releasing on March 8, 2024.”
Director Gabriel Vats said, “Gauraiya Live is not just a film; it’s an emotional journey that mirrors the resilience within us. The tale of Gauraiya is a celebration of the human spirit, and I am thrilled to bring this story to audiences.”
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