In the run-up to preparedness for the upcoming Lok Sabha Election-2024, the Deputy Commissioner-cum-District Electoral Officer, Aashika Jain said that about 4900 government employees of the various state and central departments would be part of polling staff on June 01, 2024, to conduct free, fair and transparent election in Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar District.

Chairing the meeting before the first randomization to be held on April 16, Deputy Commissioner Jain said that the district administration has identified the constituency-wise break up of polling personnel as follows; 1678 for 112-Derabassi while 1677 each for 53-SAS Nagar and 52-Kharar constituencies. She said that preliminary the expecting mothers, persons with disabilities (as per the given percentage) and employees going to be superannuated on December 31, 2024, would be kept out of this list.

The final list would be put in a Computer where the software would automatically form the polling -parties constituency-wise without assigning the polling booths on April 16.
The constituencies’ wise allocation of polling -parties further to report the concerned SDM-cum-ARO for the first classroom training scheduled from April 21, said the Deputy Commissioner by added that they would be imparted training in two shifts, i.e. Morning shift starting at 9:00 am while evening shift starting at 1:00 pm.

he Deputy Commissioner urged the SDMs to be prepared for the foolproof plans and requisite master trainers besides arranging proper sitting arrangements, refreshments and first aid kits. Similarly, they were asked to check their polling booths to get them prepared with assured minimum facilities as directed by the Election Commission of India.

The Deputy Commissioner asked the Estate Officer GMADA-cum-Nodal Officer Welfare for Polling Staff, Mrs Jasleen Sandhu to manage all the arrangements for polling parties from dispatching to poll day like bedding, food etc.

The SDMs were also urged to convey the venue and report timing to the polling parties in advance before the starting of training. The Officers who attended the meeting physically as well as online included, ADC (G) Viraj S Tidke, SDM Mohali Depankar Garg, SDM Derabassi Himanshu Gupta, SDM Kharar Gurmandar Singh, Tehsildar Election Sanjay Kumar.