Sainik School Balachadi, Jamnagar, is going to get its first batch of girl students after the Defence Ministry has taken the decision to open the doors of Sainik Schools for girls from session 2021-22. The girls initially will get admission in class VI from next academic session.

The All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination 2021 for the admission in Sainik Schools was conducted first time by National Testing Agency (NTA) on 7 February 2021. Results of written examination have been declared by NTA and hosted on the website

Group Captain Ravinder Singh, Principal of the school said that the school is ready to welcome its first girl students’ batch. An exclusive hostel for girls is being earmarked in school and other necessary arrangements are being made for them. Along with studies, military training will be imparted to girls in the same manner as it is being conducted for boys which, will prepare them to join as defence officers in Armed Forces.