A bizarre incident has left the residents of Hadige village in Sakleshpur, Karnataka, baffled as 12 chickens died mysteriously and allegedly started emitting flames when their bodies were pressed. A viral video featuring this bizarre phenomenon has been viewed by millions online, leaving viewers stunned and questioning the authenticity of the footage.
The Bizarre Event in Hadige Village
The video, which has amassed over 17 million views on the platform X (formerly Twitter), has sparked widespread intrigue. However, its authenticity remains unverified, with skeptics raising questions about its legitimacy.
Theories and Speculations
Although some think that the video might be true, the majority of people in their minds think that the cause might be a reaction related to chemicals. After all, some said, these chickens must have digested some toxic substance or poison that caused the chemical reaction inside their bodies when the pressure was applied for it to produce these combustion-like emissions. A user had this to say, “Chemicals that might have been inserted in the feed, inadvertently or perhaps by design in poultry, have had some funny effects.”
Despite the numerous theories circulating, no definitive explanation has been provided for the bizarre event.
Ravi Urges Investigation
The owner of the chickens, Ravi, has appealed to local authorities for a thorough investigation into the incident. He has raised concerns that the strange phenomenon may be linked to an external factor, such as contamination of the chickens’ feed or exposure to harmful chemicals.
Public Reaction
The video has managed to make a chain reaction of disbelief and amusement around the social media circles of people. Some say that it’s a hoax while others are captured by this weird incident and are many making speculations about this happening. Many ask is it kind of a hoax and some look for scientific explanations for this mystery.
As the mystery and intrigue behind the occurrence are still being spread online, no official statement has come from the Karnataka government regarding the cause of it. Meanwhile, the mysterious light phenomenon is still giving villagers in Hadige, along with online netizens, something to talk and be curious about.
Whether the mysterious fire-emitting chickens were a result of a natural chemical reaction or something more unusual, the bizarre event has captured the public’s attention, with millions still wondering what really happened in Hadige village.