On Wednesday, a fire started in an auto showroom in West Delhi’s Mayapuri Phase-1. There are twenty fire trucks on the scene, and dowsing is being done. Firefighters claim that they received a call about the fire today at 7:25 am. Further details are awaited.
Earlier on Saturday a fire broke out at a godown in the national capital’s Gulabi Bagh.
The fire took place at 9:32 am near the Pratap Nagar Metro Station in the Azad Nagar locality of Gulabi Bagh.
Earlier on July 3, a fire broke out at the Bank of Baroda located in the Geeta Colony’s Jheel area of Delhi. According to the officials, 4-5 fire tenders were there at the spot.
On July 2, two persons including an elderly woman were rescued by police and fire services after a fire broke out at a sweet shop in Delhi’s Geeta Colony area. There were no reports of any casualties or injuries to anyone in the fire.
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