On Sunday afternoon, a large fire started at a steel factory in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh’s Indira Nagar neighborhood. Officials said that there were no casualties or injuries reported in the incident. Officials from the fire safety department claim that the steel factory’s basement was the source of the fire, which quickly spread throughout the entire structure. The factory workers and locals sounded the alarm, which was then reported to the fire department. After receiving reports, a group of fire departments arrived at the location and stabilized the situation.
Fire safety Officers of Bakshi Ka Talab (BKT) said that they received information about the fire at around 1 PM, following which four fire tenders from the BKT Fire Station and Indiranagar Fire Station reached the spot, and brought the fire under control.
No one was injured in the incident. The primary cause of the fire was an electrical short circuit, they added.
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