An FIR was filed on Wednesday at Bengaluru’s High Grounds police station against Bharatiya Janata Party IT cell chief Amit Malviya for his tweets about Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, according to news agency ANI.

Amit Malviya, and an FIR was registered under sections 153A, 120b, 505(2), and 34 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). Amit Malviya recently shared a video of Rahul Gandhi’s visit to the United States, accusing him of playing an ‘insidious game.’

Amit Malviya recently shared a video about Rahul Gandhi’s visit to the United States, accusing him of playing an “insidious game.”

“Rahul Gandhi is dangerous and playing an insidious game. More dangerous are people who are pulling strings of Raga like Sam P, staunchly anti-India, they leave no stone unturned to defame India overseas, just to embarrass PM Modi”, Malviya said in a tweet as per the FIR.

Meanwhile, Karnataka minister Priyank Kharge stated that the case was filed after consulting with a lawyer. “Whenever they are asked to face the law, the BJP always cries,” he said.

They are having difficulty following the law of the land. I’d like to ask the party which part of the FIR was filed with malicious intent. We did it after seeking legal counsel, and if they believe it was done with malice, they can sue us.”

In response to Priyank Kharge, Bengaluru South MP Tejasvi Surya stated that the case is politically motivated and that they will seek justice in court.

“The FIR filed against Sri @amitmalviya is politically motivated,” he tweeted. Simple as that. For his alleged statement against Rahul Gandhi, a case has been filed under Sections 153A and 505(2) of the Indian Penal Code. Both of the preceding sections are concerned with fostering animosity between groups. So, who exactly is Rahul Gandhi? A person, a group, or a class. We will fight this in court to ensure justice.”