Six people have been booked for the alleged vandalism on the Allahabad University campus two days ago, police said on Friday. The FIR was lodged on Thursday night on the complaint of the university’s proctor, Rakesh Singh. Ajay Singh Yadav, alias Ajay Samrat, Sanchit Mishra, Aditya Raj Singh, Amar Singh, Vikas Yadav, Ayush Dixit, and an unknown person have been named in the FIR.
Students of Allahabad University scuffled with teachers and vandalised some offices on the campus on Wednesday over the death of a student under “suspicious circumstances”. In the complaint, the proctor said that following the death of Ashutosh Kumar Dubey (22), a media studies student, on July 11, Ajay Samrat spread certain rumours on social media.
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