Everyone in Bollywood is blazing arguments—for or against nepotism. Amidst the long-standing debate, filmmaker R. Balki, who has films like Cheeni Kum, Paa and Pad Man to his credit, added fuel to the fire with his stance on Friday. Backing the likes of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor on Friday, Balki advocated that their talent is unmatched.

In an interview with a news portal, the filmmaker said: “The question is do they (star kids) have an unfair or bigger advantage? Yes, there are pros and cons. But I’d ask one simple question: Find me a better actor than Alia or Ranbir, and we’ll argue. It’s unfair on these few people who’re probably some of the finest actors.”

He added, “Understand that audiences don’t like actors without talent. That’s only the first chance that you get, and then one needs to survive on their own. I agree it’s far more difficult for an outsider to make an entry in films, but talent gets the opportunity.”

 Taapsee Pannu, on the other hand, had her own take on the issue. Without taking any names, the actress shared a cryptic post stating, according to her, would make the race fair. She tweeted, “A race is fair, the result is valid, only if the starting point was the same for every player. If not, the comparison and the ensuing onslaught will take away the dignity of the sport eventually.”