After finding suspicious transactions of over Rs 86 Lakh in the state treasury office, the Finance Department on the directions of Punjab Finance Minister Advocate Harpal Singh Cheema has issued orders to suspend a senior assistant. Besides issuing ‘Show Cause Notices’ to several other employees while the services of three employees were already under suspension for suspicious transactions. He also ordered legal action in this matter.
Disclosing this here today, Finance Minister Harpal Singh Cheema said that a departmental Inquiry Committee was formed on 2 June, 2022 to investigate various complaints regarding corruption in the State Treasury offices under the anti-corruption campaign launched by the Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann led Punjab government.
He said that on the basis of the Inquiry Committee’s report, one superintendent, one senior assistants, and one junior assistant were already under suspension, while a senior assistant was suspended on Monday and ‘Show Cause Notices’ were issued to several other officials/employees of the state level and regional treasury offices for suspicious financial transactions.
Finance Minister Cheema said that according to the report submitted by the Inquiry Committee, total suspicious transactions of Rs. 86,44,022 were found and being further probed.
The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.
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