Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri, renowned for weaving true-life narratives into impactful films reflecting societal nuances, has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the Governor of Maharashtra. The filmmaker’s acclaimed works, “The Kashmir Files” and “The Vaccine War,” have resonated deeply with audiences, earning accolades such as the prestigious National Award for the former.

“The Kashmir Files” stunned the nation with its gripping narrative, while “The Vaccine War” pays tribute to the resilience of Indian women scientists and the minds behind the Corona vaccine. Beyond his cinematic achievements, Agnihotri has been an active contributor to societal welfare and national causes, earning him recognition as a responsible citizen.

Expressing gratitude on social media, Agnihotri shared, “I am deeply honored to receive an Honorary Doctorate from the Governor of Maharashtra at DY Patil University, Pune. Thank you for believing in my contributions. Excited to carry this recognition forward by creating positive social impact through Indic Renaissance.” On the professional front, the celebrated filmmaker unveiled his next ambitious project, “Parva,” during a grand event in Bangalore.

Adapted from the iconic novel by S. L. Bhyrappa, the film promises to be an epic cinematic journey, envisioned as a three-part blockbuster franchise. Additionally, Agnihotri is actively engaged in another compelling real-life project, “The Delhi Files,” showcasing his commitment to courageous storytelling.