On the occasion of Independence Day, the first motion poster of Fighter has been released. Siddharth Anand’s directorial stars Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, and Anil Kapoor in the lead. The cast and crew of the film took to social media and released the first official motion poster of the film. The clip started by showing three fighter jets in the sky. Then the lead actors, Hrithik, Deepika, and Anil Kapoor are seen one by one, dressed in their air force uniforms, holding their helmets and wearing sunglasses. A rendition of ‘Vande Mataram’ is playing in the background.
Reacting to the motion poster, one of the Instagram users wrote, “This is like dream came true. You both together in a movie.” Another wrote, “Can’t wait for this patriotic movie.” A third user wrote, “Insane.” A fourth user wrote, “Just wow super excited.” Another commented, “Goosebumps.”
This is a developing copy.
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