Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone’s film Fighter has had a “impressive total” over its extended four-day weekend. Fighter’s total as of Sunday night was ₹ 123.60 crore. It was launched on January 25, the day before Republic Day. With Fighter reaching above ₹ 30 crore in ticket sales on Day 4, Sunday was the best-performing day. The majority of Fighter’s revenue comes from metropolitan areas rather than broad distribution, and this is “the make or break Monday.”
Fighter is a Hindi-language aerial action thriller that tells the tale of elite Indian Air Force (IAF) pilots uniting to combat both external and internal threats to the nation in the face of impending disaster. The Air Headquarters commissioned the Air Dragons, a new force made up of the greatest combat aviators personally selected from throughout the Indian Air Force, to act as first responders to any hostile activity when militant operations spiraled out of control. The narrative of FIGHTER tells the tale of Patty’s brotherhood, fraternity, and journey through the highs and lows of their internal and external struggles.
In the movie, Anil plays Group Captain Rakesh Jai Singh, or Rocky, and Hrithik plays Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania, aka Patty. Deepika plays Squadron Leader Minal Rathore, aka Minni.
It’s the first time Hrithik and Deepika have ever worked together on screen.
Siddharth previously stated the following regarding the movie: “Mamta (Siddharth’s wife) and I founded our film company MARFLIX with #FIGHTER.” A multifaceted picture with a lot of ambition. For us, it’s more than just a movie. And we’ve given this one all. The year 2024 begins with the same uneasy, anxious sense. I hope you all treat Fighter with the same kindness that you did for Pathan. Greetings for the new year, everyone! See you at the cinema! January 25th.”
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