Panchkula/Chandigarh. In their ongoing campaign against corruption, the Haryana Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) arrested Lady Sub-Inspector Kulvinder and Lady Constable Geeta at Shahjadpur Police Station in Ambala district for accepting a bribe of ₹10,000. An ACB spokesperson explained that upon receiving a complaint, the ACB took immediate action to apprehend the accused officers by setting a trap.
The accused, SI Kulvinder and HC Geeta, had demanded a bribe of ₹10,000. Acting on the complaint filed at Shahjadpur Police Station, the ACB team swiftly conducted a raid to apprehend the accused officers. As a result of the raid, the officials were arrested in the act of accepting the bribe. A case has been registered against the accused in the Ambala ACB station.
The Maha Kumbh, which began on January 13, will continue until February 26.
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